Author: Ohran Gobrin

Innovation and digital transformation – the challenges faced by professional services firms

Ohran Gobrin • March 10, 2021
Adapt or die. Or, as Darwin famously didn’t phrase it [1]: “It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able to adapt to and to adjust best to the changing environment in which it finds ... Read More

Digital strategy in a post-COVID world

Ohran Gobrin • May 06, 2020
There and Back Again is the title Bilbo Baggins gave to the memoir of his adventures with the dwarves reclaiming their realm.  The title suggests a return to the known and the familiar from where he had departed, but nothing was really the same.  The Quest had changed everything.  Bilbo, Bag End, everything! Returning to ... Read More

Litigation support and business valuations in high net worth matrimonial disputes

Ohran Gobrin • June 27, 2017
Ever hear of a quick, fair, and even-handed divorce? Me neither! Divorces by their very nature tend to be emotionally charged and contentious. The conflicts that ended the marriage quite often continue to simmer, resulting in a lengthy battle over what constitutes a fair settlement. If you own a business, the value of your company ... Read More

Litigation support: A powerful tool of corporate law

Ohran Gobrin • March 20, 2017
Corporate disputes are often resolved through mediation or negotiation; however, complex and contentious matters may require more formal legal proceedings. Where such disputes involve the quantification of financial loss, the litigation support services of a forensic accountant can be necessary and invaluable. Forensic accountants provide the court ... Read More

How do you calculate the equalization payment in a divorce in Ontario?

Ohran Gobrin • November 09, 2015
Q: In matrimonial cases, what is the first step to calculating the equalization payment in Ontario? OG: In a divorce proceeding, the first step to calculating the equalization payment is to complete a “Form 13.1 Financial Statement.” The form has 2 parts: the first part of the form itemizes your income and expenses. Disclosure must include ... Read More
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