Doing business in Canada: From tax compliance to strategic tax planning

Andy Yap • October 24, 2016

Canada is an exciting, lucrative market for any number of businesses. Our culture, economy, and population present a great expansion opportunity for most industries, while our exchange rate, skilled labour force, and tax incentives make Canada an excellent choice for manufacturing and assembly plants, in particular.

Before you consider doing business in Canada, it’s important that you fully understand how your business is classified under Canadian tax laws. Your taxation status can vary depending upon a number of factors, such as whether or not you’re renting a showroom or warehouse, the value of the goods you’re importing to Canada, and whether you’re sending sales representatives from your country or hiring locals. By identifying where you fall, you can avoid future unpleasant run-ins with the Canada Revenue Agency, saving time and money in the long run.

Planning ahead is about more than tax compliance, however. The corporate tax planning team at Fuller Landau can help you structure your Canadian operations to ensure you maximize any opportunities for saving tax, while protecting the assets of your business.

National and International Tax Planning Services

Through our membership in the Leading Edge Alliance, Fuller Landau works seamlessly and efficiently with accounting and consulting firms in over 90 countries to provide informed, efficient, and effective tax advice for both foreign-owned companies doing business in Canada (‘inbound business’) as well as Canadian companies seeking to do business abroad (‘outbound business’).

By utilizing our corporate and international tax planning services, you can ensure that your business remains compliant with the governments of both your country of origin and the countries in which you conduct business. We can also assist you with:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Local payroll administration
  • Special tax compliance paperwork, such as commodity tax filings
  • Tax structure planning
  • Foreign income and surplus calculations and reporting
  • Foreign and domestic tax registration and compliance
  • And many more specialized services

If your business crosses borders, make sure you consult a trustworthy tax advisor to ensure you stay compliant and leverage every possible opportunity for saving tax. Contact us today.

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