Andy Yap • October 02, 2019
In boom and bust real estate markets alike, landlords are constantly challenged by changing trends. Vacancies in retail space are commonplace, even in the most sought-after neighbourhoods. If you take a walk around your area, it is likely you will notice properties that have been vacant for months. It begs the question, why do spaces ... Read more
Fuller Landau team • March 15, 2019
On October 17, 2018, Canada became the first G7 country to legalize marijuana for recreational use. According to U.S. research firms, Arcview Market Research and BDS Analytics, global consumer spending on cannabis will triple from its current level to US $32 billion by 2022. As beer, alcohol and tobacco sales volumes slow, companies within these ... Read more
Fuller Landau team • November 04, 2018
Let’s face it – the real estate industry isn’t exactly known for cutting-edge innovation and game-changing advances. In fact, the process of buying and selling real property has remained pretty much unchanged for the past 100 years and more. But one company, in particular, is using technology to disrupt the status quo. Nobul Corporation i ... Read more
Gary Abrahamson • July 06, 2017
The media is filled with articles and commentary concerning the “red-hot” residential real estate market and the current environment of sky-rocketing housing prices, bidding wars, supply shortages, and rent increases. Both nationally and internationally, there are continued warnings of a “bubble” in the Canadian housing market, the level of ... Read more